Piper the Platypus Collar and Leash recognises an iconic species of Australia. Our one and only aquatic monotreme, Piper is an exceptional swimmer. He has a bill like a duck, a tail like a beaver and is quite a spectacle too see, if you can spot him. Piper is shy and, sadly, his species are susceptible to pollution in the waterways. Let’s clean up our act for Piper!
The threatened species collar and leash range are a load of rubbish. Literally!
Each collar and lead incorporates recycled plastic in replace of virgin plastic. The result? Each product uses 86% less water, 70% less energy and 75% less CO2 emissions. That’s pretty wild!
AniPal is a pioneering carbon positive business in the pet and vet industry. They are currently removing 7 x the amount of carbon that they produce. This is achieved through their partnership with Carbon Neutral, where they support work in reforesting the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor.